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Qur'an Memorisation Scholarship

United Ummah strives to me more than just a charity that houses and clothes children, we aim to educate and inspire the young children to learn and memorise the Qur'an. As such one of our main programs at UnitedUmmah is the Qur’an memorisation scholarship; each year we give two of our best students the opportunity to learn and memorise the Qur’an at one of the top Schools in Uganda, this is a fully funded scholarship through United Ummah with the agreement that once the student has finished his studies he will dedicate a portion of his time twice a week to teaching the children at the orphanage what he has learnt and pass on his knowledge of the Qur’an. By doing this we are ensuring the investment we made for that student is maximised and the remaining children also benefit and learn.

Qur'an Memorisation Scholorship: About Us
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